How to Prepare Yourself As a Parent And Your Child for Preschool?

Preschool refers to the beginning of a new phase of a child’s development process. This early stage in life builds the path for your child’s development and later academic success. This might not be easy for either you or your child. You both may experience mixed emotions of excitement, apprehension and sadness as babyhood shall be disappearing.

Beginning the Process

Many parents wonder about the correct age to send their kids to preschool. Since preschool plays an important role in the development process, make sure your child is enrolled in one at the perfect time. This way they will be ready to take complete advantage of the preschool experience. When children start to express themselves verbally, enjoy new experiences and (unfamiliar with the new adults?) it is the right age and stage to consider enrolling them into preschool. Research study shows the age of three is the most suitable age for a child to be in preschool. 

At the age of three, your child can imagine whether you are at home, work, shopping or being with the baby. This enables them to retain a mental picture of you staying away from them. It helps your child to handle the upcoming separation. However, other factors need to be analysed according to each child’s needs. First and foremost make sure your child can communicate. It helps them in expressing their feelings to the teachers in the preschool and stay away from you for a few hours. If your child faces difficulty in communication, and are not comfortable around strangers, they may show signs of distress. In such cases, you can postpone their enrollment for 6 months or a year.

Preparation Tips Before Preschool Starts

Visiting Preschool Along With Your Child: Once you have decided your preschool, it is a good idea to visit it with your child. Introducing them to the teachers and making them comfortable in the preschool environment will prove very beneficial. Showing them their classroom and respective schedule will help them get an idea of what to expect.

Take some time to explain to your child about the first day of school. Talk with them about what they will be doing there. Also, take their help while packing their things and inform them about their personal belongings. 

Reading Books: There are several books available in the market related to preschool like “Maisy Goes to Preschool” by Lucy Cousins, “Llama Llama Misses Mama” by Anna Dewdney, “Little School” by Beth Norling, and “The Kissing Hand” by Audrey Penn. These books will give you an idea about the transition for you and your child and will help this transition to be smooth

Acting It Out: Make your child pretend like you are going to preschool, hanging up your backpacks and sitting down for break time. Play games, read stories aloud and teach them to prepare a simple snack. Also try teaching your child some basic social skills, how to get the attention of others, mingle in groups, etc. 

Work On Improving Child’s Self-Help Skills: Before beginning preschool, make sure that the child can look after himself. Some basic self-help skills like washing their hands and putting on their socks and shoes are a good starting point.

Changing Your Schedule: Once the child begins preschool, make some necessary changes in their daily routine. Make them a sleep schedule and be sure to stick to it. Let your child go to bed at an appropriate time at night so that they are fresh for their school the next day. Before going to school make sure they have a healthy and filling breakfast. Also, limit their time with media. Instead, spend some time outdoors and ask them about their day at school.

Preparation Tips After the First Few Weeks Of Starting Preschool 

Get Your Things Organised: See that on the first day of preschool, you have your clothing, backpacks and shoes organized and labelled. Keep stocking up on healthy snacks and (linh?) foods for your child’s snack time.

Staying with your child: Initially, after preschool begins, it is always better to stay around your child for 15 to 20 minutes. Help them connect with the other children around for a few days and once they are comfortable with other children, it’s time to just leave after hugging your child and dropping them at the gate.

If your child is stubborn and can’t handle separation, talking with teachers is a good idea. They are ideal for handling such cases because they have prior experience. Always let your child know when you are planning to leave off rather than just sneaking out and always there to pick them up as soon as the school gets over.

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